Doctor Who: 10 Best TARDIS Interior Designs

7. The Eleventh Doctor's TARDIS (2010-2012)

Doctor Who classic TARDIS interior
BBC Studios

This bright and colourful TARDIS marked the beginning of a new era in the revived series. New Doctor, new show-runner, new companion, and new titles. The only way to get everyone to stop thinking about David Tennant, is to just change everything up and start from scratch. The Eleventh Doctor’s tenure is often thought of as the ‘Fairytale’ era, and nothing encapsulates that more than a magical, whimsical control room that combines Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, with Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium. Everywhere you look there’s something going on, from the cluster of controls on the console, to the HUGE circular scanner on the wall, and spider-web inspired glass-floor. This interior is the definition of fun.

This is the TARDIS that saw in the arrival of millions of new fans from across the globe, and has a special place in many a heart. However, whilst it does look like a lot of fun, it’s rather garish, and harsh on the eyes. It doesn’t make too much sense contextually either, as this is supposed to be a TARDIS that has reinvented itself after being nearly destroyed, so why would the TARDIS decide to use a gramophone, a typewriter and a hot and cold tap system to rebuild itself? Not exactly the most efficient tools in the box...

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A mostly bored individual who finds solace in ranting and discussing Doctor Who to anyone who cares and wants to listen. Likes Doctor Who so much he trained professionally as an actor to increase his chances of snagging the title role. Also likes other things as well. Would describe himself as a semi-hipster.