Doctor Who: 10 Best TARDIS Interior Designs

6. The 80's TARDIS (1983-1989)

Doctor Who classic TARDIS interior
BBC Studios

A fan-favourite, and the definition of 'retro', this TARDIS oversaw the tenure of not two, but THREE Doctors during the 1980s! Debuting in the iconic 20th Anniversary Special ‘The Five Doctors’, many cite this as being the most ‘scientific’ looking of all the interiors, and they’re not wrong. Just look at the thing! If you’re a fan of buttons, then good news, 'cause we’ve got buttons for your buttons so can button while you button. It was as though an alien had crash-landed in the 1980’s, assembled a whole bunch of old Macintosh computers, and melded them together into one absolute unit of a console. And lest we forget, the coolest feature to ever grace a console unit, that little pulley door lever.

This interior was unabashedly 80’s and wasn’t afraid to show it. Complete with cuboidal columns and built-in Atari-style scanners- because you simply can’t have enough squares. With such a long tenure, this interior is one of the first that comes to mind when you think 'Classic Who'.

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A mostly bored individual who finds solace in ranting and discussing Doctor Who to anyone who cares and wants to listen. Likes Doctor Who so much he trained professionally as an actor to increase his chances of snagging the title role. Also likes other things as well. Would describe himself as a semi-hipster.