Doctor Who: 10 Biggest NuWho Plot Twists Nobody Saw Coming

1. Wilfred Mott Knocks Four Times

Doctor Who Rose Bad Wolf
BBC Studios

This is one twist that shocked many fans to the core.

In the season special, Planet of the Dead, the Tenth Doctor hears a prophecy that warns him he will die by a man who will “knock four times”. Many suspected that it was The Master who would be behind this due to the four-beat drumming he constantly hears in his head.

Nobody expected that fan favourite Wilfred Mott would be the man behind the downfall of the Tenth Doctor. In an exceptionally emotional scene, The Doctor briefly believes he escaped the prophecy until he hears four knocks from a now-trapped Wilfred in a radioactive booth asking for The Doctor’s help to set him free.

What makes this twist more heartbreaking is that no one can be angry or blame Wilfred for the death of the Tenth Doctor. He was only doing what he thought was right by saving a worker and innocently thinking The Doctor would be able to let him out. Wilfred even begged The Doctor at the end to leave him and save himself, but of course The Doctor couldn’t do that and choose to sacrifice himself in the end.

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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.