Doctor Who: 10 Biggest NuWho Plot Twists Nobody Saw Coming

2. River Song Revealed To Be Amy And Rory's Daughter

Doctor Who Rose Bad Wolf

Since her introduction in season four’s Silence in the Library, River Song was an important person to The Doctor. It’s later revealed that River is The Doctor’s wife, but no one could have guessed that River was also the daughter of Amy and Rory.

This reveal of River Song’s true identity is arguably one of the longest Doctor Who mysteries ever, with fans having to wait almost three years since to find out who she really is.

If that wasn’t enough, River is also turned into a weapon to be used against The Doctor as she was the one inside the astronaut suit who killed The Doctor at the beginning of season six. That mind-blowing twist was felt around the world by fans, and many took to the internet to express their thoughts and feelings regarding the twist.

Some were happy, some were confused, and some found the twist to be annoying, as many liked the character as a standalone without any relation to The Doctor’s companions - as it made the Who universe seem smaller than it is.

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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.