Doctor Who: 10 Biggest NuWho Plot Twists Nobody Saw Coming

6. Captain Jack Harkness Is The Face Of Boe

Doctor Who Rose Bad Wolf
BBC Studios

"The Face of Boe they call me."

That one line changed many things fans had already seen throughout seasons one through three.

Technically, we meet Jack Harkness twice in season one, as The Face of Boe was first introduced in The End Of The World and Jack Harkness was introduced in The Empty Child. Originally, the Face of Boe had a small role, which gradually got somewhat bigger until his death in season three’s Gridlock as he tells The Doctor his last four words - “You are not alone.”

Although the final words were seemingly forgotten by fans until the Professor Yana/Master reveal (more on that later), many wondered how the Face of Boe knew that The Doctor wasn’t the last of his kind. The Face of Boe mentioned throughout the series that he has lived a long time, so fans assumed that he just heard through the grapevine that there was another Timelord out there.

It’s not until Jack Harkness innocently states he was named the Face of Boe in the Boeshane Penisula, that it all seemed to make sense of how he knew so much about The Doctor and the secret of Professor Yana; since Jack had previously gone through that situation with The Doctor already.

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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.