Doctor Who: 10 Biggest NuWho Plot Twists Nobody Saw Coming

5. Clara Oswald Is A Dalek

Doctor Who Rose Bad Wolf

Clara Oswald was introduced into the show in a very unique way. During Asylum of the Daleks, we see Oswin Oswald living her life day to day as she is trapped in the Dalek Asylum after crashing there a year prior.

She befriends and communicates with both The Doctor and Rory through the Asylum’s communication system, giving The Doctor instructions on how to slow down the Daleks, blow them up (if necessary) and where to go to find her. Throughout the episode, The Doctor does question how she has been able to survive for as long as she did and where she gets the milk from to be able to make the numerous amounts of soufflés she has been making.

Things take a tragic turn when it’s revealed that Oswin never escaped from the Daleks but was turned into one herself. The Doctor explains how the truth was too much for her to handle and that she created a world inside her head where she escaped and was waiting for someone to come and rescue her.

Finally accepting what had happened to her, Oswin still decides to help The Doctor by wiping all memories from the Daleks regarding The Doctor and helping him and his companions find their way back to the TARDIS.

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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.