Doctor Who: 10 Biggest NuWho Plot Twists Nobody Saw Coming

4. Rose Tyler Is The Bad Wolf

Doctor Who Rose Bad Wolf
BBC Studios

During season one, we kept hearing two words following the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler throughout time and space: Bad Wolf. Even The Doctor mentions in Boom Town that those two words have been constant throughout their time together. Although the phrase had no meaning to The Doctor, it still worried him as he found it strange the same two words kept popping up everywhere they went.

It turns out it had been a message Rose Tyler was sending to herself all along so she could save The Doctor when the time was right. In the season finale, The Doctor and Rose were forced to face an army of Daleks, including the Emperor Dalek; a battle which overwhelmed The Doctor as he didn’t want to become a killer like his enemies were.

In a last-ditch effort to save The Doctor, Rose looks into the TARDIS’ Time Vortex and possesses the power of the Bad Wolf, allowing her to defeat the entire Dalek fleet, save Jack Harkness. and also create a paradox by interfering with her own past of placing the message everywhere she went.

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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.