Doctor Who: 10 Biggest NuWho Plot Twists Nobody Saw Coming

3. Professor Yana Is The Master

Doctor Who Rose Bad Wolf

The Master has always been a big part of The Doctor’s life, constantly appearing and causing chaos whenever they can. When the series was revived in 2005, the showrunners introduced many new villains since they were trying to keep the new seasons fresh, but Who fans knew that The Doctor's frenemy had to turn up at some point.

The last Doctor Who fans saw of The Master, he had fallen into the Eye of Harmony and was trapped. We never knew how he got out, but many fans were happy that The Master was back to cause chaos and distraction in The Doctor's life.

Utopia seemed to be a simple episode showing the last of humanity on their way to the planet ‘Utopia’ in hopes to live a better life. It’s not until the kind old man, Professor Yana, revealed he has a fob watch, one that was similar to what The Doctor used previously to turn himself human, that the penny starts to drop.

When Yana recovers his memories from the watch, his true identity is revealed to be The Master; a reveal which not only shocked viewers watching but The Doctor himself as he believed he was the last of the Timelords.

It is revealed that The Master has been amongst The Doctor all through season three as he claims to be named Harold Saxon, the man who became Prime Minister of Great Britain.

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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.