Doctor Who: 10 Bizarre Powers You Forgot The Doctor Has

4. Levitation

Doctor Who David Tennant

Okay, yes, this one originates from an obscure early '70s comic-book story, so it's not really as "canon" as the other examples on this list. Regardless, it's totally bonkers and we love it, so we think it deserves a mention.

The TV Comic Annual 1971 includes a couple of Third Doctor comic-strips, and in one of them, the Doctor reads a book called Levitation Universal Edition, which he acquired from some random dude on Mars. As you do. Thirty minutes later, the Doctor has mastered the lessons taught in the book, giving him the power to levitate.

Later in the story, he then uses this power to catch a man who has fallen off a roof.

TV Comic Annual 1971 Third Doctor levitation Doctor Who

While we've never seen this exact ability be utilised onscreen, the Tenth Doctor did levitate in the Series 3 finale Last Of The Time Lords.

But in that case, it was a temporary power granted to him after he tuned himself with the Master's Archangel Network, so it's not really the same thing we saw in this Third Doctor comic-strip.

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