Doctor Who: 10 Bizarre Powers You Forgot The Doctor Has

3. Mentally Unlocking Wooden Doors

Doctor Who David Tennant
BBC Studios

While there's still a lot of uncertainty surrounding this one, it's hardly a massive stretch considering all the insane things that are possible in the Doctor Who universe.

This uncertainty stems from a couple of factors. One, we've only seen the Doctor unlock a wooden door using his mind once (Series 9's Heaven Sent), and two, when he did do it, he was trapped inside his confession dial, a place that doesn't seem to abide by the natural laws of the universe. As a result, there's still some debate as to how the door was unlocked, and whether or not it was actually the Doctor that did it.

But for the sake of discussion, let's assume that the Doctor did do it, and that this is one of his abilities. In the episode, he says that he "used to know a trick" back when he was "young and telepathic", implying that he's mentally unlocked wooden doors before, or, at the very least, that he once knew how to do it.

What's funny about this whole thing is that it neatly complements one of the show's longest-running gags. On countless occasions, we've been told that the sonic screwdriver "doesn't do wood", but if the Doctor can unlock wooden doors using the power of his mind... then he and his screwdriver "complete" each other. Cute.

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