Doctor Who: 10 Bizarre Powers You Forgot The Doctor Has

2. Shattering Glass By Screaming

Doctor Who David Tennant

Tom Baker made so much Doctor Who that most people simply forget that he once displayed this ability, but yes... the Doctor can shatter glass by emitting a high-pitched scream. Like some sort of Time Lord banshee.

In the late '70s serial The Power Of Kroll, the Doctor and Romana are tied up with vines, and it seems like there's no way they'll be able to escape. But then, the Doctor opens his mouth and lets out a really odd screaming noise, which proves so powerful that it shatters the skylight above them, letting in the rain.

Doctor Who The Power Of Kroll shattered skylight

This makes the vines slippery enough for them to wriggle free, and this weird ability was never heard from again. And considering how bloody weird it looks (and sounds), that's a good thing.

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