Doctor Who: 10 Craziest Methods Ever Used To Beat A Dalek

8. Beating Themselves Using Explosives (Planet Of The Daleks)

Planet of the Daleks was a Third Doctor adventure from 1973 in which the Doctor and his companion Jo Grant encountered a group of Thals - humanoids who originally inhabited the Dalek planet of Skaro - on the planet Spiridon. They weren't alone, however, as a group of Daleks were also on the planet - and they were even more dangerous than usual, given that they were invisible. At one point in this story, a group of unusually dumb Daleks carelessly sauntered past some Thal explosives - explosives which had actually been rigged by another Dalek patrol - and set them off, effectively destroying themselves. The Doctor and his allies didn't even need to do anything to defeat these Daleks in this instance.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.