Doctor Who: 10 Directions The Show Could Go In Next

4. A More Youth-Focused Approach

Doctor Who Fifteenth Doctor Ncuti Gatwa Captain Jack Harkness John Barrowman
BBC Studios

Once David Tennant hangs up his blue suit for good, the role of the Doctor will be taken on by Sex Education star Ncuti Gatwa.

As Eric Effiong, Ncuti has already built a considerable fanbase among younger TV viewers. Also, at the age of 30, he's one of the youngest actors to take on the role of the Doctor. All of this is good news for the BBC, who will no doubt want to capitalise on Gatwa's popularity in that 18-24 demographic.

The corporation will be hoping that he brings across some of his fans, but there's no guarantee that his presence on the show will be enough to keep them there. The writing in the new series might have to be aimed at a younger audience in order to retain a youthful fanbase.

Whether that means introducing many more younger characters, or writing plotlines about more adolescent issues, is up to the writing staff.

At the same time, the show must not forget about the fans who've been there since 2005, the mid-80s, or even 1963. Striking that balance between old and new is a line that Doctor Who constantly walks, and with the show set to explode among younger viewers thanks to that Disney+ deal, RTD has a real challenge on his hands to get that balance right.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.