Doctor Who: 10 Facts About Big Finish You Didn't Know

3. Classic Who Meets New Who

Doctor Who Big Finish
BBC / Big Finish

One of the benefits of the audio format is imagination. You're not limited by what you're seeing before you, instead relying solely on your own interpretation of the story's events. This allows Classic Who actors to return to their respective roles despite having aged a considerable amount.

Even more impressive is how it allows New Who to interact with older elements without much question involved. Through Classic Doctors, New Monsters we have seen the likes of the Weeping Angels, Judoon, and the Vashta Nerada battle it out with the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Doctors.

Somehow Big Finish found a way to top even that with their recent release Out of Time. This story features the long awaited meeting between the Fourth and Tenth Doctors. Had this been done in the television series it would've been distracting seeing Tom Baker's much older appearance on screen, but through the magic of audio, and some minor disbelief, this wonderful moment could come to life.

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.