Doctor Who: 10 Famous Writers The Doctor Has Met

5. H.G. Wells – Timelash

Doctor Who The Shakespeare Code William Shakespeare
BBC Studios

One of the early writers of science fiction, H.G. Wells wrote a multitude of short stories and novellas. The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds are his most famous works and have had a big influence in popular culture as well as science fiction, often being referenced in both.

Doctor Who is no exception, with Wells himself appearing in the classic adventure Timelash, as a young man. Wells happens to run into the Doctor whilst the Timelord is looking for a woman who has become lost in time. After mistaking the Doctor for a demon, Wells introduces himself, but just by his first name - Herbert. He then sneaks into the Doctor’s TARDIS, and ends up helping the Timelord save an alien world from a dictatorship and a war! The episode cleverly keeps Well’s true identity a secret, right up until the end, a fun idea that allows Wells to act more like a companion than a guest historical figure during the adventure.

A few recent adaptions of H.G. Wells’ work have included a new War of the Worlds mini-series and a television special of The First Men in the Moon, which stars Doctor Who regular Mark Gatiss.

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A freelance writer and Doctor Who fan.