Doctor Who: 10 Famous Writers The Doctor Has Met

6. Lord Byron – The Haunting of the Villa Diodati

Doctor Who The Shakespeare Code William Shakespeare

Lord Byron, was a popular poet and celebrity in 19th century Britain. His fictional heroes inspired the Byronic antihero trope we have today, while his poetic works include Duan Juan, She Walks in Beauty, and the Corsair - which has been turned into a ballet.

Byron lives up to his reputation of the womanising writer in this episode. One of the rules the Doctor sets out for the trip is literally, don’t kiss Byron! The poet himself immediately demonstrates why this is necessary, as he takes a liking to the Doctor and starts flirting with her - once he knows she’s not there to steal his work in progress. The Doctor, however, isn’t interested and easily resists Byron’s charms. The flirting, however, does not go down well with Mary’s stepsister Claire Clairmont, who has a crush on Byron. She realises he is not worth it, and at the end of the episode turns down him down when he deigns to notice her again.

Byron’s poetry is readily available online, and to buy in bookshops. There are also several biographies about him, as well as fictional books that include him as a character.

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A freelance writer and Doctor Who fan.