Doctor Who: 10 Greatest NuWho Speeches

2. Everybody Lives! - Ninth Doctor

Doctor Who The Zygon Invasion Peter Capaldi Clara Oswald Jenna Coleman
BBC Studios

Everybody lives Rose, just this once! Everybody lives!

One of the most uplifting speeches The Doctor ever pulled. A short (two-lined) speech created a massive impact on the show, showing how The Doctor can truly save everyone by celebrating in a euphoric way.

After going through two very emotional and heart-wrenching episodes, it feels like it’s the end for our heroes as the gas-masked zombies make their way to turn our heroes into one of them. It’s in that moment The Doctor figures out the true nature of Nancy and Jamie’s relationship, as he then pleads with the nanogenes to figure out a way to heal the little boy as he hugs his mummy.

For the first time in a long time, The Doctor got to feel like a hero again as he is able to save every single person that was affected by the nanogenes. In an emotional yet euphoric moment, The Doctor proudly states to Rose that “just this once, everybody lives!”. He is so used to losing one or two people along the way, even The Doctor is overly ecstatic that for once he got a win as well.

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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.