Doctor Who: 10 Greatest Speeches From NuWho

4. "He Burns At The Center Of Time" (The Family Of Blood)

In this two-parter from Series 3, the Doctor used the Chameleon Arch to make himself human and hide from the Family of Blood, who wanted to consume his regeneration energy and gain the lives of a Time Lord. But when the time came for the Doctor to revert back to his Time Lord self, his human persona of John Smith was reluctant to step aside and let his true Gallifreyan guise take over. 

Tim Latimer, a telepathic school boy who learned about the Doctor by accident, explained to Smith the terror and wonder that was the Doctor. For someone who hadn't known the Doctor for very long, Tim managed to capture his essence very well.


Paula Luther hails from Pennsylvania and has been an avid Whovian since 2008. She enjoys writing (obviously), reading, dancing, video editing, and building websites. She has also self-published two books on Amazon, "Bart the Bard" and "Android Mae and Other Stories".