Doctor Who: 10 Most Annoying Companions Of The Revived Series

8. Rose Tyler

Believe it or not but there was a time in which the Doctor Who community wouldn't have let a single bad word be said about Rose Tyler. Those who dared to suggest that she was anything other than amazeballs were abused by their fellow fans and promptly "disposed of" (which basically means their account was blocked on Gallifrey Base) because, when all was said and done, Rose Tyler was the best of the best. As the first companion of the revived series, Rose and her real life alter ago, Billie Piper, are rightly credited with introducing the show to a whole new generation of fans. As this ordinary shop girl stepped aboard the TARDIS and learned about the weird and wonderful worlds of the Doctor, so did the audience and if it wasn't for her, it's likely that the show wouldn't have become the worldwide phenomenon it is today. Obviously Russell T Davies' writing and Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor helped, too, but Rose always managed to make every situation about her. Speaking of which... As far as the Doctor's companions go, Rose was as self absorbed as they come. She dropped her mum, Jackie, and boyfriend, Mickey, without a second thought when she was given the chance to have a better life without them and, while at first it was endearing, her overriding selfishness ultimately proved to be her downfall. Her first question to Mickey when he decided to start afresh (in Series 2's The Age of Steel) was, "What about me?" and this mentality pretty much sums her up. Even when she was imprisoned forevermore on a parallel universe she wouldn't take no for an answer. She was lucky enough to have her entire family (including the father she'd lost in 'her' world) in tow but she was still prepared to push them all aside in her ongoing mission to get back to the Doctor. And who could forget her "if looks could kill" reaction to meeting Sarah Jane in School Reunion? It looked like she'd learned a lesson by the end of that episode but then she just got annoyed again when it was suggested that Mickey should accompany her and the Doctor on their travels. There was just no pleasing the girl. She's got her own human version of the Tenth Doctor now but something tells us she'll still be finding things to complain about. Her constant eye rolling was cute at first, but then it just got plain annoying. Seriously, Rose. When the Doctor told you he was never going to be able to see you again, maybe you should've just taken the hint.
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Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via