Doctor Who: 10 Most Disturbing Episodes

8. Asylum Of The Daleks

Doctor Who The Curse Of Fenric

On any given Doctor Who list, the Daleks are bound to make an appearance. These legendary foes are just as synonymous with the series as the TARDIS, Sonic Screwdriver and even the Doctor themselves. There have been plenty of episodes featuring the malevolent aliens, and some have been truly disturbing.

"Asylum of the Daleks" was the first episode of the seventh season, and it saw the Eleventh Doctor trapped in an asylum filled with insane Daleks who have been exiled. The Doctor, Amy and Rory then seek to escape from the place before it's destroyed.

If the concept of mentally deranged Daleks wasn't enough for you, the episode also features dead corpses being reanimated by a Dalek pathogen. All of these grotesque ideas are made even worse by the creepy atmosphere in this derelict setting.

The episode gets one nice credit because it introduced Jenna Coleman as Oswin - a character who would eventually lead the Doctor to discover Clara - but even seeing the origins of this character doesn't take away from the disturbing nature of the episode.

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