Doctor Who: 10 Most Infuriating Cliffhangers Of The Revived Series

9. The Parting Of The Ways

"New teeth. That's weird." Yes it is, although it's not as weird as the protagonist of your favourite show exploding before your very eyes and then turning into a completely different person altogether. Oh, the feels. That was basically what the experience of watching The Parting of the Ways was like for the generation of new fans who had started their Doctor Who journey alongside its revival back in 2005. While regeneration was the norm for those familiar with the titular Time Lord's classic series escapades, seeing him bid an emotional farewell to Rose Tyler before changing his entire appearance must have been a pretty confusing - and not to mention traumatic - ordeal for the millions of people who were experiencing it for the first time. It didn't help matters that the episode then came to an abrupt end with the announcement that Doctor Who would be back at Christmas to answer all of the unresolved questions. Where did go Christopher Eccleston go and who the hell is David Tennant? Luckily there was a back catalogue of previous regenerations to help the newbies come to terms with their hero's latest demise but nobody forgets the moment their first Doctor pops their clogs and for a whole new generation, this was it. It's infuriating (to say the very least) when you realise you'll have to wait 6 months to find out what happens next but at least it gave us plenty of time to recover. Though admittedly it still wasn't enough.
Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via