Doctor Who: 10 Most Infuriating Cliffhangers Of The Revived Series

8. The Sound Of Drums

"And I looked down upon my new dominion as Master of all, and I thought it good..." Well, that's how the Master felt but things were looking very dire indeed for the Tenth Doctor and his companions at the end of The Sound of Drums. Following the climactic events of Utopia, the Master was back in all his malevolent glory and this time he was an all-singing, all-dancing sociopath who looked like that bloke from Life on Mars. Don't let his sinister suaveness fool you, though, as his latest alias as the UK"s charming new Prime Minister Harold Saxon was all part of his rather far-fetched political agenda to enslave the entire human race. And guess what? The British public voted for this! He had been using powerful hypnotic mind control in order to secure their votes, though, so they can be forgiven for succumbing to his evil bidding... this time. As he unleashed his tyranny of terror (and then came the army of tenacious Toclafane - oh boy!) unto the unsuspecting citizens of planet Earth, it was a good job they could rely on Team TARDIS to lead them to salvation. As it turns out, though, the Doctor was residing in a wheelchair at this point after been aged to the point of no return and his ever faithful companions, Martha Jones and Jack Harkness, were off facing trials and tribulations of their very own. To put it bluntly, the whole situation looked pretty helpless for everyone concerned (apart from the Master, of course, who finally had the fate of the whole world in his hands). It was an infuriating cliffhanger when the elderly Doctor could only sit back and watch the ensuing drama unfold. His beloved planet Earth was being blown to smithereens by the evil might of his former best friend and when the dramatic final shot of David Tennant's wrinkled old face was replaced with the formidable words "To be continued...", the entire nation collectively threw something very large and heavy at their TV screens. It was going to be a very long week.
Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via