Doctor Who: 10 Most Infuriating Cliffhangers Of The Revived Series

5. A Good Man Goes To War

This one was only really infuriating because most of us had guessed it already. The long awaited announcement of River Song's true identity at the end of Series 6: Part 1 was billed as one of the most game-changing twists in Doctor Who history and if you'd spent the preceding months living within the confines of the Medusa Cascade, it probably was. For the rest of us, though, it was, at best, anticlimactic. As such, there was a general consensus within the Doctor Who community that the circumstances surrounding her reveal - as dramatic as it was - should have been a bit more substantial in order to make it worth our while. The final scene confirmed who River was but viewers were still none the wiser when it came to what she was and why on Earth her life was seemingly centred around the Doctor. Amy and Rory's faces in that final shot said it all. There was still so much of River's story left to be told so perhaps the cliffhanger ultimately failed to live up to our expectations as a result of its fevered build up. "Game-changing" was probably the wrong word to describe it because, in retrospect, nothing really changed at all. What's more, the next episode picked up two months after the events of Demon's Run - both narratively and otherwise - so viewers never even got the chance to see the initial aftermath of River's shocking revelation which kind of sucked. An almighty bombshell it was but a "game-changing" cliffhanger it was most certainly not. The skeleton holding the sonic screwdriver at the end of the credits was much more intriguing.
Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via