Doctor Who: 10 Most Infuriating Cliffhangers Of The Revived Series

4. The Pandorica Opens

Steven Moffat took over the reigns as Doctor Who's showrunner in 2010 and apparently he wanted his first series at its helm to go out with an almighty bang. That's only a guess, of course, because there's nothing in the climactic events of The Pandorica Opens to suggest that he was gunning for the title of TV's most dramatic cliffhanger of all time. No, nothing at all... Oh, apart from the fact that Amy Pond was dead, the Doctor had just been locked in an eternal prison, the TARDIS was about to explode with River inside it, Rory had returned as a killer Auton and the entire universe was about to implode. It was just another day in the office, really. Suffice to say, the final moments of Series 5's penultimate episode well and truly set the bar for the Moff's Earth-shattering cliffhangers and if you weren't left scratching your head as you tried to figure out how the hell your beloved characters were gonna get themselves out of that one, you were probably in too much of a state of shock or denial to maintain any coherent thoughts. It certainly was a humdinger. A humdinger that ultimately fizzled into nothingness. The Doctor (somehow) got out of the Pandorica, Amy was (somehow) resurrected, the universe was (somehow) restored, the TARDIS (somehow) didn't blow up after all (although it still technically did) which means that River (somehow) survived and, as for Rory... well, none of us really know what went on with him. In short, this cliffhanger was infuriating because it was just so good but its subsequent resolution was just so bad.
Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via