Doctor Who: 10 Most Shocking Moments

9. Rose


Although I did not like Rose as a character myself simply because of writing, the way they wrote her out had me in tears. It was brilliantly done. Now, Rose had her flaws, like falling in love with the Doctor, but what a way to make an exit. The Doctor had to save both the parallel world and Earth from the Daleks and Cybermen. The Void had been opened, and it began to get rid of the Cybermen and Daleks. Mickey, Pete and Jackie were safe on the parallel world, but Rose, being of the determined kind, came back to the Doctor. Rose's lever broke and she went heading toward the Void, but was quickly saved by Pete and brought back to the parallel world. She was devastated, the Doctor was saddened. They were able to say their goodbyes briefly on the shore, and Rose told the Doctor she loved him. Before he could even respond, he disappeared and was in the TARDIS. The fans of Ten and Rose were completely heartbroken for the characters. Emotions in this episode were extremely high. It also showed to a newer, younger audience that anything can happen to the companion that travels with the Doctor, no matter how fun and fantastic the adventures seem to be. Choosing this scene seemed appropriate, because this ending even seemed to touch the hearts of those who didn't like Rose as a companion.
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Doctor Who
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I am a sales associate by day, and 3D artist and writer at night. I have a passion for Doctor Who, especially the Fifth Doctor era. I go to conventions when I have the funds, and I also make costumes on my spare time.