Doctor Who: 10 Most Terrifying NuWho Monsters

1.  Vashta Nerada (Silence In The Library)

The Flood Doctor Who

Who turned out the lights?

The scariest monster that NuWho brought us was the Vashta Nerada, a creature that appears all over the universe that devours meat much like pirahnas. The Doctor demonstrates their carnivorous capabilities by throwing a chicken leg into a shadow, and watching only the bone hit the floor.

The Doctor also reveals that the creatures create a second shadow on their prey, resulting in their rapid death. He also highlights that they may be responsible for multiple disappearances of people on Earth.

In great numbers, they are able to inhabit the suits of crew members in the Library, who repeat the last phrase they said as they slowly march towards their next meal.

What makes them so scary is that they don't dwell in every shadow, but can inhabit any shadow. This detail is what places them above the Weeping Angels, as it echoes one of mankind's greatest fears - the unknown. It made me look at my shadows differently ever since.

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