Doctor Who: 10 Most Terrifying NuWho Monsters

7. The Veil (Heaven Sent)

The Flood Doctor Who

This creature rings of existential dread, moreso than any other.

A nightmare of a creature that manages to actually kill the Doctor multiple times, the Veil stalks the Doctor around a huge castle which he cannot escape without punching through a thick, crystalline wall.

The slow speed really signifies creeping death, and how it follows everyone, including our favourite Time Lord.

While other monsters are terrifying because of their abilities or their bodycount, the Veil's penchant for eternally following until it catches its prey is what earns it a spot here.

The Doctor endures dying multiple times and resurrecting at the start of the maze again, in what would be an eternal cycle of pain through punching a solid object, and death from the disgusting hands of the true entity of the Doctor's nightmares.

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