Doctor Who: 10 Nu-Who Characters Who Were Just Totally Unlucky

2. Donna Noble

The temp from Chiswick whose entire life had been spent floating from one dead end job and one dead end relationship to another had finally seemed to have found what she was looking for during the events of The Runaway Bride. She was about to get married when she finds herself inexplicably inside the TARDIS and her life changed forever. Of course, her first bit of bad luck fell when it turned out that her fiancé had been using her as a pawn in a plan for the return of the Racnoss. Of course, the next stage of her life wasn€™t so bad. Travelling through all of time and space with her new best friend and the sharpest dressed time traveller of all time. She had adventure after adventure, saving planet after planet, even seeing the eruption of Mount Vesuvius meeting the Twelfth Doctor when he was no more than a lowly stone carver from Pompei. Then came the heart-breaking moment that makes her one of the unluckiest characters in the history of Nu-Who. Following the events of Journey€™s End, The Doctor€™s knowledge is absorbed into the mind of the very human Donna. This Meta-Crisis caused Donna€™s mind to burn up, forcing The Doctor to erase her memory and to leave his best friend behind. Donna returned to being the Temp from Chiswick, returned to being the same old Donna. Much changed from the Donna she had become whilst travelling with the titular Time Lord - forgetting everything she€™d seen.

Doctor Who, WWE and Liverpool fan with a huge vocab... vocabu... who knows a lot of cool words.