Doctor Who: 10 Nu-Who Characters Who Were Just Totally Unlucky

3. River Song

The story of River Song is often told from the point of view of The Doctor. Each time they meet, he finds out more about the woman he loves. But if we reverse the angle, we find a story that is on the whole unlucky. River Song is a woman who meets the only man she€™s destined to love at the point at which he loves her the most. After that €“ give or take a few out of sync meetings €“ he loves her a little bit less every time. If that€™s not unlucky enough, let€™s look at her family life. She was taken away from her mother without ever meeting her father, to be raised by a cult of assassins whose only real motive was to ensure she was the perfect weapon against the very man she would come to love more than life itself. She would then be forced to live with her parents as children, never being able to reveal who she was. To top it all off, she was then forced to kill the man she loved, and spend the majority of her life in prison for a murder that, in truth, she€™d never really committed. Of course, she could escape at will, and was at some point released. But maybe the unluckiest moment of all, was the moment of her death €“ the moment she met The Doctor and he didn€™t have any idea who she was. That€™s pretty unlucky really.

Doctor Who, WWE and Liverpool fan with a huge vocab... vocabu... who knows a lot of cool words.