Doctor Who: 10 Nu-Who Characters Who Were Just Totally Unlucky

8. Mickey Smith

It might not, at first, seem like Mickey Smith is all that unlucky €“ time travelling, freelance alien hunter married to Martha Jones - seems like a dream for most people. He truth, however, is much unluckier. Imagine being overshadowed in almost every moment of your life. Let€™s make it a little bit worse. Imagine the first person you ever loved, loving someone else more than they could have ever imagined loving you. That was Mickey Smith€™s relationship with Rose Tyler in a nutshell. Despite this fact, he consistently came back to help her, to save her, to try and be the hero. Even still, there was always someone who did a little more, was more of a hero, was seen to have done something bigger and better. The Doctor, Pete Tyler, The Meta-Crisis Doctor. There was always someone who Rose needed more, even in a parallel universe. So Mickey left Rose behind and returned to his own Universe €“ he found his love, he found his way. He found Martha Jones and a future where he could be the hero. But would he ever truly be? Martha Jones, a former high ranking member of Unit and long term companion of the Doctor. If the two are freelance, is it really Mickey Smith that they€™re trying to hire? Or is it Martha Jones, his wife. Continuing to be overshadowed, even after marriage.

Doctor Who, WWE and Liverpool fan with a huge vocab... vocabu... who knows a lot of cool words.