Think about that. 2,000 years. Rory waited, guarding the Pandorica and it's precious cargo. Rory loved Amy so much that he committed, knowing full well he'd be aware and conscious for every second, to guard Amy for 2,000 years. Can you imagine the mental torture that would be!? In perhaps one of the most loving and selfless acts seen on the show, Rory vows never to leave the Pandorica in order to protect his beloved Amy from any harm that may come to her in 2,000 years. Rory, in fact, managed to become a legend, folk-lore passed on from generation to generation regarding the Last Centurion. So dedicated to his cause was he that he managed to pass into the popular consciousness as a myth, several times saving the Pandorica from harm and always waiting patiently for the day he would be reunited with Amy. If that's not the ultimate love story, what the hell is?