Doctor Who: 10 Places The Doctor Has Never Visited On-Screen

8. Barcelona

Doctor Who Tenth Doctor TARDIS

A memorable planet mentioned by the Ninth and Tenth Doctors was 'Barcelona', where apparently dogs had no noses.

About to regenerate into his next body, the Ninth Doctor famously told Rose Tyler that she would love the planet. Upon regeneration at the end of 2005's The Parting of the Ways, the Tenth Doctor set the controls for the planet with the intention of taking her there. However, it has yet to actually appear on-screen.

The next time we saw Rose and the Doctor was that year's The Christmas Invasion special, with the TARDIS and newly-regenerated Doctor crash-landing at Rose's home in the Powell Estate.

The reason for the change of destination was recorded in the 2005 Children in Need special Born Again, with the Doctor changing his mind from taking Rose to Barcelona in 5006 to instead taking her home.

Also mentioned in this special was another adventure on the planet Hop - a planet where the Ninth Doctor and Rose had to 'hop for their lives.'

Barcelona, and Hop, are just a few examples of some of the amazing, intriguing, and bizarre throwaway planets mentioned throughout the show. Some are included for comedy reasons, to suggest that the Doctor and companions have had many adventures off-screen, or because some of these strange worlds couldn't be achieved on a TV budget.

Perhaps a cameo on the planet of the noseless dogs could provide for a hilarious call-back or fan-service somewhere down the line.

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Eden Luke McIntyre is a Scottish writer, editor and script consultant, with an MA in TV Fiction Writing. He writes content for TV, radio, stage, and online, and was appointed as a BBC Writers Room Scottish Voice in early 2020. Eden can usually be found rambling about Doctor Who, The Beatles, and obscure things that no one cares about.