Doctor Who: 10 Potential Actors Who Could Play The 14th Doctor

9. Michael Sheen

Hayley Atwell Doctor Who
Fox Searchlight Pictures

There was a rumour that went around saying that Michael Sheen would be taking over as The Doctor and it genuinely got me excited. Now, granted, he wasn't an actor I originally thought of when considering a future incarnation of The Doctor. But once I gave it a good hard thought it seemed like a logical decision.

He's just got such a good charisma, and multiple layers of personality within his performance. I can imagine him as a very gentlemen like Doctor, who tries to come across as suave and sophisticated, with a clear presence of alien behaviour, attaining the voice of reason, and a calming sense of authority. I feel Michael Sheen could also bring about a comedic side to his portrayal through a clever blend of social awkwardness.

Another added layer to Michael Sheen being casted is the simple fact he previously voiced House in The Doctor's Wife. Could this be something that's touched upon? Maybe House' possession of the TARDIS left echoes and now they've seeped into The Doctor. Perhaps having a voice that resembles House is a remainder to The Doctor of the evils that lay in wait for him across the universe, and that he must always find a way to shine a light upon it no matter the cost.


Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.