Doctor Who: 10 Potential Actors Who Could Play The 14th Doctor

5. Hugh Laurie

Hayley Atwell Doctor Who

Back in his early career I would say that Hugh Laurie would be great at being a dafter, laid back, and careless Doctor. Then came along House and everything changed. Can you imagine Hugh Laurie bringing forward that bitter portrayal to Doctor Who, minus of course the excessive swearing, drug use, and going to prison.

We've had attempts at displaying The Doctor as an arrogant being who has lost their way, requiring guidance from their human companion in order to restore their connection with humanity. I feel Hugh Laurie could go above and beyond with this story-arc. I see him playing an incarnation that is so devoid of hope, feelings, and human connection. Someone cold, but utterly brilliant, who would do things with a very logical mindset, disconnecting the fine line between right and wrong, and simply looking at things within the bigger picture.

Perhaps if he feels logically a planet or person cannot be saved he simply wouldn't lift a finger to do anything. His companion will ask him why and he'd callously, but intellectually, justice his reasoning, despite his companion trying to look at things from the heart. This is something that would go over his head, perhaps even frustrate him because everything to him comes from the mind, with emotional complexities being utterly irrelevant, and nonsensical in generating a firm conclusion to the problem at hand.


Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.