Doctor Who: 10 Potential Actors Who Could Play The 14th Doctor

4. Tom Holland

Hayley Atwell Doctor Who
Sony Pictures Releasing

Yes, I know. This is a bizarre choice that makes little to no sense. But, at the end of the day, Doctor Who requires a buzz about it to keep things interesting. A regeneration is always an exciting period for both the fandom and the general audience. There's so much exhilaration in the air because people are anxious to see who will be taking on the mantle of The Doctor. And if it happens to be someone that people love, and is also popular at the time (like Tom Holland), then that surely can only be a good thing for Doctor Who's popularity.

Of course, you're probably still pondering on Tom Holland's age. However, it has been proven twice now that casting a younger actor isn't a disastrous move. Peter Davison and Matt Smith proved that their energy and enthusiasm was more than enough to carry the role, as well as the simple fact that they were both bloody good actors, with the latter going on to become one of the most popular Doctor's in the history of the show.

Looking at Tom Holland's portrayal as Peter Parker/Spider-Man you can begin to see how his youth would be a benefit, as it splices some new life into the old Time Lord. Maybe you can joke around with the idea that The Doctor has suddenly renewed into such a younger body. Plus, Matt Smith demonstrated how playing an ancient being through the eyes of a youthful body can add so much emotional layers and depth to the character, demonstrating the sadness of their long existence, and their need for acceptance through trying to fit in.

I can imagine Tom Holland bringing so much life to the role, being this innocent hero who struggles with rising to the occasion because of self-doubt, whilst having a high morality that has them see the good in everyone, and wishing to give even their darkest villains a chance at redemption. Plus, with his casting as a young Nathan Drake, I expect he'll be able to nail that adventurous persona that energises The Doctor into danger through his thrill for excitement.


Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.