Doctor Who: 10 Potential Actors Who Could Play The 14th Doctor

3. Hayley Atwell

Hayley Atwell Doctor Who
Vertigo Entertainment

From her initial appearance in Captain America: The First Avenger, Hayley Atwell quickly made a name for herself as Agent Carter, becoming a fan favourite within the MCU. So it's no wonder why over the years that many fans have wanted her to take on the role as The Doctor. It makes sense really. Hayley Atwell does incredibly well at establishing a strong, determined, and extremely caring performance throughout her work in the MCU.

This could easily be applied to Doctor Who. I could imagine Hayley Atwell being a more spy-esque Doctor, similar to Jon Pertwee's interpretation. A bit more of a hands-on Doctor who deals with gadgets, investigations, has strong opinions on war and politics, all the while having the skills to defend herself in combat. I can even see her working very well alongside Kate Stewart and Osgood at UNIT.

Hayley Atwell, for me, just looks like she could play the role. I know that sounds silly, but sometimes you look at an actor (similar to many on this list) and you just feel in your gut that they were born to play the role. That's how I'm able to visually describe how I can interpret their incarnation before they've even been cast. Sure, you shouldn't necessarily base it off a single role in their career, but it does help to grasp an idea of what they'd be like as The Doctor, and Hayley Atwell's performance as Agent Carter makes me excited at the prospect of a kick-ass female Doctor.


Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.