Doctor Who: 10 Reasons Last Christmas Is Probably The Best Special Yet

3. A Formidable Foe

Let's face it, if Doctor Who wasn't sending kids - and loads of adults, too - screaming behind their sofas on Christmas Day then it would be doing something very, very wrong. The Dream Crabs, also known as the Kantrofarri and the scariest things to grace our screens on Christmas Day of all time, were one of the most unique monsters of recent years although there's several similarities to be drawn between them and some of the Doctor's previous adversaries, most notably the Silence. This doesn't detract from their overall fear factor, though, because Doctor Who is at its best when it's taking the best of the rest and mixing it up to deliver a new viewing experience that's completely unique in style and tone. The fact viewers know so little about the Dream Crabs adds to their appeal, too, and it was suggested in the episode that there are still some of them out there on Earth ready and waiting to infest the minds of their snoozing victims. You'd better sleep with one eye open tonight, then.
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Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via