Doctor Who: 10 Reasons Shona McCullough Should Be A New Companion

8. Her Inquisitive Nature

The Doctor might as well have put his feet up when Santa Claus and two of his whimsical elves showed up at the North Pole because Shona McCullough was already on the case - notepad and all. Suffice to say, she found it particularly difficult to accept the arrival of Old Saint Nicholas, despite the fact he had just literally saved their lives, which suggests that she's an extremely inquisitive individual who refuses to take things at face value. Would this be a useful trait for her to take with her throughout her potential future travels in the TARDIS? Yes and no. Her analytical attitude would mean she'd be questioning everyone and everything around her but she'd also bring the Doctor up on his own morals which would test their relationship. From her shenanigans in Last Chritmas, it also looks like she doesn't suffer fools gladly (not that Santa's a fool, but you'd be pretty dubious yourself if he turned up out of the blue claiming to be the real deal) and it's always exciting when a companion isn't afraid to tell 'em how it is. She's basically a mix between Sarah Jane Smith and Donna Noble. As amalgamations go, that one isn't half bad.
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Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via