Doctor Who: 10 Reasons The Doctor Should Never Be A Woman

5. Male Vs. Female

Changing a lead character is a lot of work, meaning there would be endlessly many things to introduce with a female Doctor. For one, the regenerations wouldn€™t be child-friendly anymore. Given the history of spontaneous outbursts by the Doctor with each regeneration, it€™s not surprising that you€™d expect a female Doctor to grab her breasts and go, €œI thought they€™d be bigger,€ or something equally mortifying. That would add up with further probes as to body image and the never ending topics about female portrayal the public likes to take up these days. So not fun. Plus, Peter Davison - a.k.a. the Fifth Doctor - explicitly stated in an interview that the Doctor sort of has to be a man, backing it up with the fact that €œto have a female Doctor would be like having a female James Bond. It would be a rather odd thing"... and quite rightly so. Nobody wants to see a female James Bond, so why go ahead with wanting a female Doctor?
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