Doctor Who: 10 Reasons The Doctor Should Never Be A Woman

4. Is It Really That Simple?

If the Doctor regenerates into a female, that doesn€™t exactly give him/her a clean slate to begin with. There€™s so many events and timelines that would need explaining, leaving you to think if the show is about a Time Lord after all, or does it simply stand to reason and justify the ongoing changes? Think back to all those mushy and seemingly romantic moments the Doctor has shared with Rose, his kisses with Amy, Clara and even Queen Elizabeth, too. He even went ahead and got married to River Song for crying out loud. Basically, those were all exchanges shared between heterosexuals. Once the Doctor is female, the tables would definitely be turned. Would there not be questions raised as to what gender or perhaps what sexuality the Doctor identifies to be, because really, who would explain all of the times the TARDIS has been called €œsexy€ let alone the part about him stroking it? If those things are truly clarified, would there have to be a story arc for how the Doctor intends to or has trouble coming out of the closet? Would the show have anything to do with good old time at all? Food for thought, and please take note that these are in no way ramblings against the LGBT community.
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Doctor Who
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