Doctor Who: 10 Secrets Of The TARDIS You Need To Know

8. It Gets Around

Doctor Who TARDIS

You might think that with all of the space and time hopping The Doctor does within the confines of the television show that he wouldn't have much time to be dilly-dallying in other fictional universes, right?

Well, that doesn't seem to be the case as the incredible craft has gotten around its fair share of franchises. From cropping up in the furthest reaches of the original Fallout game, to drifting through the "mists of time" in the criminally underrated The Legend of Dick and Dom, the TARDIS has seen its own fair share of adventures even without its titular pilot.

With time travel becoming an ever popular topic of modern science fiction, who knows where the little blue box may materialise next? Only time will tell...

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Just your average, everyday favourite transgender writer. You can find me talking about books and graphic novels for hours on end. I was raised on Doctor Who, so eccentric isn't even the word to describe me...