Doctor Who: 10 Similarities Between The Classic And Revived Series

7. Doctor-Companion Romantic Relationships

THE NEW: Ah, NuWho, a time of romance and hanky-panky in the TARDIS. With the Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Doctors crashing into the lives of their companions with dashing good looks and a leather jacket, it€™s no small wonder that they instantly fell in love with him - and often him with them. Rose managed to snog two Doctors and ran off with a Metacrisis third, Martha was mooning over the Tenth for an entire season, Clara, River and Amy both had their fun with the Eleventh, and Jack? Well, let€™s just not bring up the idea of multiple Doctors whenever he€™s around. The amount of flirting in the TARDIS has led many traditionalists to decry the modern series and that€™s why the Twelfth Doctor and Clara's new dynamic of (friends? Teacher-student? Grumpy parent and errant child?) is so invigorating.

THE OLD: Unfortunately, those traditionalists would have to stick solely to the old episodes to avoid romantic overtures. It appears that the Doctor has been busy in many of his early incarnations in many spin off media. The Fourth Doctor and Romana certainly shared some flirtatious moments and it is a fan theory that they both definitely had romantic interests in the other. The Fifth Doctor was extremely fond of his Trakenite companion Nyssa, too - so much so that others tended to mistake them for a couple and even he admitted that he was more than fond of her. And then there€™s the Eighth Doctor kissing Dr Grace Holloway in Doctor Who: The Movie and even falling in love with his companion Charley Pollard. In fact, many of his companions also fell in love with him - Charley Pollard, Mary Shelley, Samantha Jones - but the Eighth Doctor refused to pursue a relationship with them for their own safety. That may be all well and true, Doctor, but perhaps you didn€™t need to go so far as to grow a whole new Doctor out of your severed hand in order to avoid romantic entanglements with your companions.

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An obsessed Doctor Who watcher, reader, listener, and occasionally writer. Consult for all your Big Finish and useless trivia needs.