Doctor Who: 10 Storylines That Should've Been A Spin Off

1. The Paternoster Gang

Last but not least, it's the unlikely band of heroes ever devised... the Paternoster Gang! Consisting of a Sontaran, a Silurian and a Cockney tea maid, the Paternoster Gang aid the Doctor whenever their timelines collide, which is basically every series. First assembled during the events of Demon's Run (when the Doctor was in an a particularly non-negoitating mood), they dropped everything to help in in his time of great need as part of their debt to him. Steven Moffat has already mentioned their importance to the Doctor's life and he's revealed that the BBC would give them their own series at the drop of a hat, so perhaps it's a case of 'when' instead of 'if' for this one. It would be a thrilling sci-fi show, for sure, as well as one that would harbour great chemistry between its leading characters. As always, only time will tell... What did you think of this list? Are there any other Doctor Who storylines that should've been a fully fledged spin off? Join the conversation in the comments section below.
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Ben Jones is a Doctor Who contributor/writer for the website from Wrexham. Whenever he's not writing articles, he's either playing guitar or watching television. Maybe both.