Doctor Who: 10 Storylines That Should've Been A Spin Off

8. The Doctor Who Never Was

The Doctor has affected many people throughout his travels and one of them was a Doctor... Sort of. Jackson Lake, played by David Morrissey, was introduced in the 2008 Christmas Special The Next Doctor as a man who believed that he was, in fact, the grand old Doctor himself. The eventual plot twist, of course, was that he had 'absorbed' the Time Lord's identity after have his memories changed by a Cyberman's infostamp. An unfortunate revelation to say the least, since he could've been a fantastic Doctor in his own right. Still, there had been a considerable amount of time between Jackson 'becoming' the Doctor and when he met the Time Lord in question, so what happened within that space of time? Well, he had apparently confronted the Cybermen on numerous occasions, met a companion by the (coincidental) name of Rosita and even built his own TARDIS to boot. With this in mind, there's enough to go off in order to produce a spin off series in which the audience can follow the adventures of Jackson Lake's Doctor and Rosita, right up until the Tenth Doctor arrives. And yes, that would be mean yet another cameo from David Tennant. You've gotta keep the fangirls at bay, right?
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Ben Jones is a Doctor Who contributor/writer for the website from Wrexham. Whenever he's not writing articles, he's either playing guitar or watching television. Maybe both.