Doctor Who: 10 Storylines That Should've Been A Spin Off

7. The Final Days Of The Time War

Here's one of the crucial moments in the Doctor's life and it's one that's hardly even been shown. 2013's quadrilogy of the Doctor was something that long time fans of the show really wanted to see, since it depicted a storyline which dates back to the rebirth of the show. The Name of the Doctor gave viewers a cliffhanger like no other when it was revealed that there's actually been a lost incarnation of the Doctor that nobody's ever known about. This was followed in hot pursuit by Paul McGann's unannounced return in The Night of the Doctor, with the feature length escapade The Day of the Doctor serving as the climactic conclusion of the show's 50th anniversary festivities. And finally, in The Time of the Doctor, the Eleventh Doctor went out in flames of glory after acquiring a new set of regenerations from the Time Lords. A perfect saga of events. Except, Doctor Who fans only got to see this prestigious lost incarnation twice. As far as the War Doctor goes, that was pretty much it. Steven Moffat has a habit of only bringing in characters that are relevant to that particular episode's plot, and then subsequently never mentioning them again, but the War Doctor deserved to have been included much, much more. It was John Hurt, for God's sake! Thankfully, a novel that came out shortly after the 50th anniversary served to delve deeper into the War Doctor's involvement with the Time War. Engines of War could easily be adapted into a TV show to give viewers more knowledge about this mysterious incarnation. The ball's in your court, Moffat.
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Ben Jones is a Doctor Who contributor/writer for the website from Wrexham. Whenever he's not writing articles, he's either playing guitar or watching television. Maybe both.