Doctor Who: 10 Storylines That Should've Been A Spin Off

5. Luke Smith & Friends

A legacy is something that's carried on throughout the generations, and this would certainly be that. The Sarah Jane Smith Adventures was a spin off series following the Doctor's long serving companion, Sarah Jane. From the moment she departed from the Tenth Doctor in Series 2's School Reunion, she embarked on her own journey in which she gained an alien son and group of able youngsters who aided her in her ongoing extra terrestrial escapades from the confines of her attic. It sound creepy when you put it like that, but it really wasn't. In fact, it was so popular that it lasted four series, and it would still be going strong today were it not for the unfortunate passing of its lead actress, Elisabeth Sladen, in 2011. There's still a chance to keep its memory alive, however, and that would be by enlisting her son, Luke Smith, as the protagonist of his own series. Luke wasn't explored much in The Sarah Jane Adventures but he's an interesting character with lots of potential.
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Ben Jones is a Doctor Who contributor/writer for the website from Wrexham. Whenever he's not writing articles, he's either playing guitar or watching television. Maybe both.