Doctor Who: 10 Storylines That Should've Been A Spin Off

4. The Time Agency

Captain Jack Harkness has had a pretty rough time of it over the years. Fans first met him when he was a working as a conman during the Second World War and then it looked like it was really the end for him when he was shot dead by the Daleks during the Series 1 finale, The Parting of the Ways. Luckily for him, and us, Rose Tyler brought him back to immortality with her new found powers after absorbing the energies of the time vortex (you really had to be there!) which meant that the possibilities are now pretty much endless in terms of when and where Jack's character can go. There's still an aspect of his past that has never been fully explored, though, and that's his involvement with the Time Agency. So, here's where the spin off comes in. Jack's already got his own spin off, of course, and having two would just be greedy (besides, nobody quite knows what's going on with Torchwood at the moment), but a series exploring Jack's formative years with the Time Agency would be a great way of shining a new light on such a beloved character.
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Ben Jones is a Doctor Who contributor/writer for the website from Wrexham. Whenever he's not writing articles, he's either playing guitar or watching television. Maybe both.