Doctor Who: 10 Theories About What Happens To The Fourteenth Doctor

3. He Dies In Action

Doctor Who David Tennant Fourteenth Doctor Tom Baker Curator
BBC Studios

One elephant in the room we haven’t touched on is the Fourteenth Doctor’s TARDIS – a carbon copy of the original (minus Sutekh) granted to him thanks to one final gift from the Toymaker.

As such, although this Doctor is supposedly “retired”, he still has access to all of time and space. He’s already enjoyed short trips to Mars and Gilded Age New York!

However, if the Fourteenth Doctor is indeed mortal like we previously suggested, then he needs to be extra careful on these adventures. Without his former regenerative abilities, it’s entirely possible that he could go off on an adventure and not come back alive.

RTD has even suggested as much, joking in one interview that:

"I think he died. I'm going to start saying that. He went to Venice, 2063, when the city sank, and he went into a whirlpool, which is really sad."

Whether it's offscreen or not, a heroic death while saving innocent people is one of the most fitting ways for the Doctor to go out, and considering that they can't resist helping people, it's also quite likely. As mentioned, the Fourteenth Doctor is already adventuring, so he's bound to get into a scrape at some point.

Hopefully it isn't offscreen though. That would be slightly anticlimactic.

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