Doctor Who: 10 Things That WON'T Happen In The Christmas Special

4. It (Probably) Won't Feature Any Actual Snow

...that is if previous Christmas Specials are anything to go by, anyway. Unsurprisingly snow has played a big part in the Time Lord's past festive escapades but even that's been given its own Doctor Who spin as it's rarely even been snow at all. Take the closing moments of 2005's The Christmas Invasion, for example, when the beautiful white blanket was revealed to be remnants of the Sycorax spaceship as it was broken up in the atmosphere, which generally made Rose Tyler's acceptance of the Tenth Doctor all the less romantic. The following year, in The Runaway Bride, the Doctor made it snow to impress Donna Noble because (apparently) nothing says Christmas like a bit of atmospheric excitation. The Doctor has encountered real snow in his time, of course, but he's generally been too caught up amidst extraterrestrial excursions to appreciate it properly or build a snowman - apart from when he's built far too many (A Christmas Carol) or the said snowmen are trying to kill him (The Snowmen). Never a dull moment. Last Christmas is set on the North Pole, though, so maybe this is the year snow will just be snow. Fingers crossed.
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Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via