Doctor Who: 10 Times A Companion Stole The Show

2. The Famous Martha Jones

heroine-marthajones Martha Jones, a medical student Doctor from London, would never have thought she would become world famous but the events of The Sound of Drums found the Doctor and his chums in a particularly sorry state. The Master had returned, having allowed the Earth to be invaded by the Toclafane, the Doctor was stripped of his ability to regenerate and aged by a few hundred years, Captain Jack was killed and taken into custody and Martha's family had also been taken into servitude. Only Martha remained, having escaped using the ever handy vortex manipulator. Martha subsequently set out to travel across the globe trying to find a weapon created by Torchwood to kill a Time Lord and prevent them from regenerating (did no one have a Judas Tree lipstick?). Returning to the UK, Martha is caught after Professor Doherty gives the Master information about her location in exchange for information about her son. The weapon is destroyed and Martha is brought before the Doctor so he can witness her death. In this moment it is revealed that Martha had, in truth, travelled the Earth spreading the word to concentrate in a single moment, on a single word. The people of Earth began to chant "Doctor" allowing the psychic energy from the Archangel network to rejuvenate the Doctor who could finally defeat the Master. Thank God for that! For a year, Martha had travelled the globe, risking her life and the lives of her family and friends in order to bring the Doctor back. Such a long term commitment with such high risks and a small chance of success allowed Martha Jones to go down in history as a true hero, and one without whom the Doctor would never have survived.

Doctor Who, WWE and Liverpool fan with a huge vocab... vocabu... who knows a lot of cool words.